Current Issues of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences

Number 3


1. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) – multidirectional health effects – review - 107
Dorota Kasprzak, Barbara Jodlowska-Jedrych, Katarzyna Borowska, Agnieszka Wojtowicz

2. Clinical and laboratory findings of patients with the possible diagnosis of influenza hospitalized in affiliated hospitals of Babol University of Medical sciences, 2015-2016 - 113
Mostafa Javanian, Arefeh Babazadeh, Soheil Ebrahimpour, Mehran Shokri, Masomeh Bayani

3. Overview of phenotypic methods used for differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus - 117
Martyna Kasela, Anna Malm

4. Assessment of noggin level in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients - 122
Khama'al Hussein Abod Al-Khafaji, Mohammed Noori Al-Dujaili, Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaili

5. Oncoplastic breast surgery techniques - a new look at surgical treatment of breast cancer - 131
Krzysztof Kozak, Rafal Wojcik, Maciej Czerwonka, Slawomir Mandziuk, Barbara Madej-Czerwonka 

6. Potential risks related to anabolic steroids use on nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems disorders in men - 135
Agnieszka Kujawska, Joanna Androsiuk-Perkowska, Jakub Husejko, Marcin Kozuchowski, Daria Bieniek, Natalia Skierkowska, Weronika Topka, Małgorzata Gajos, Kornelia Kedziora-Kornatowska

7. Chronic rhinitis and chronic tonsillitis of staphylococcal genesis in rabbits as laboratory animal model for experimental research - 140
Hans Manee, Olena Korotkykh, Svetlana Kalinichenko, Tatiana Antushev, Natalia Dubinina

8. The frequency of risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in tuberculosis patients in Babol, Northern Iran, during 2008-2015 - 144
Mehran Shokri, Rahmatollah Najafi, Jalal Niromand, Arefeh Babazadeh, Mostafa Javanian, Masomeh Bayani, Zahra Geraili Afra, Soheil Ebrahimpour

9. Assessment of structural and functional condition of rats bone tissue under the influence of various parameters of vibration - 148
Nazar Kostyshyn, Mechyslav Grzegotsky, Marta Servetnyk

10. The role of paediatricians in the prophylaxis of early childhood caries - 154
Kamila Fux-Zalewska, Beata Kubic-Filiks, Jolanta Szymanska​


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