Current Issues of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences

Number 2


1. Frequency of JC virus appearance in the urine of post-transplantation patients - 53
Anastazja Boguszewska, Magdalena Wos, Adrian Jarzynski, Malgorzata Polz-Dacewicz

2. Assessment of concentration changes of selected elements in birch sap, depending on collection day, using atomic absorption spectrometry - 57
Katarzyna Krupa, Wojciech Szwerc, Przemyslaw Nizinski, Katarzyna Slowik, Anna Błazewicz, Ryszard Kocjan

3. Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of extended spectrum beta lactamases producing Escherichia coli isolated from outpatients with Urinary Tract Infections in Babol, Northern of Iran - 61
Mana Baziboroun, Masomeh Bayani, Zahra Poormontaseri, Mehran Shokri, Tahmineh Biazar

4. BK virus in cancer development - 65
Justyna Pasternak, Ewa Kliszczewska, Malgorzata Polz-Dacewicz

5. New drugs - from necessity to delivery - 69
Ewa Kedzierska, Lila Dabkowska, Tomasz Krzanowski, Ewa Gibula, Jolanta Orzelska-Gorka, Monika Wujec

6. Expert evaluation of consumer properties of probiotics marketed in Ukraine - 76
Iryna Chukhray, Halyna Bilushchak, Lubov Kolyasa, Olha Tokar, Andrij Datsko

7. Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymer for tramadol HCl using acryl amide and 2-hydroxyethyl meth acrylate as monomers - 81
Ahmed Jalil Al-Safi, Yehya Kamal Al-Bayati

8. Chemical composition, toxicity, and acaricidal activity of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil from Algeria - 89
Ghania Atmani-Merabet, Abdelmalik Belkhiri, Mohamed Abdeslam Dems, Abdeldjallil Lalaouna, Zakaria Khalfaoui, Bouzid Mosbah

9. The level of dental anxiety in students of the first year of studies from Lublin Universities - 94
Malgorzata H.J. Sikorska-Jaroszynska, Maria Mielnik-Blaszczak, Dorota Krawczyk, Katarzyna Gromadzka-Blaszczak, Rafal Wrobel, Agnieszka Skawinska-Bednarczyk, Marta Kuraszko

10. The relationship between marginal bone loss around dental implants and the specific characteristics of implant-prosthetic treatment - 97
Piotr Szpak, Jolanta Szymanska


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