Current Issues of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences

Number 3


1. Role of predictable biomarkers in early detection of cardiovascular events in Chronic Kidney Disease III and IV - 99
Bhamidipaty Kanaka Durgaprasad, Rama Rao Malla, Bhamidipaty Durgananda Lahari, Payala Vijayalakshmi, Indira Guntoory, Kolli Viswa Kalyan

2. Pharmacotherapy prescribing pattern and outcome for hospitalized patients with severe and critical COVID-19 - 106
Hayder Assad

3. The drug safety information in domestic medical literature - 111
Bartlomiej Ochyra, Maciej Szewczyk, Adam Przybylkowski

4. Atrial fibrillation ablation: the position of computed tomography in pre-procedural imaging - 116
Milena Stachyra, Andrzej Glowniak, Elzbieta Czekajska-Chehab

5. Peculiarities of the detection and course of the pediatric extrapulmonary tuberculosis taking into account drug resistance - 123
Zoriana Ivanovna Piskur, Lesya Pylypiv, Olga Shvets, Manana Sakhelashvili, Olga Kostyk, Olga Sakhelashvili-Bil

6. Testing sand from selected playgrounds in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland for eggs of nematodes at the time of massive migration of people from Ukraine to these  countries – a pilot study - 129
Wiktoria Chodun-Wroblewska, Malgorzata Witkowska-Zimny, Barbara Nieradko-Iwanicka

7. Testing sand and soil from selected playgrounds in Lublin for eggs of nematodes of the genus: Ascaris, Toxocara, Trichuris - 133
Wiktoria Chodun-Wroblewska, Barbara Nieradko-Iwanicka, Janusz Andrzej Iwanicki

8. Use of blood and its components in the treatment of anaemia in children - 137
Alicja Bernat, Malgorzata Jaworska-Lewtak, Anna Kowalska-Kepczynska

9. Placental angiogenesis, IUGR & CMV awareness in Iraqi women - 147
Ahmed Fakhir Hameed, Khalida Ibrahim Noel*, Sameh Samir Akkil

10. Optimized Rapid Disintegrating Tablets produced through Central Composite Design - 152

Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Govardhan Reddy, Aravind Kumar Ganthala, Tharun Teja Siddhartha


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